2022 Texas DIR Contract and Pricing
GeoComm, a leading provider of geographic information and communication systems, has been awarded a Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) contract DIR-CPO-4499 for GeoComm’s public safety software.
GeoComm’s software products provides an industry leading end-to-end 9-1-1 enterprise GIS software solution that meets all public safety and law enforcement GIS needs.
The Texas DIR contract simplifies the process for state and local government agencies in the State of Texas and elsewhere to purchase GeoComm’s public safety software offerings. This award is significant because it allows agencies to directly acquire products and services through the DIR contract, eliminating the need for a costly RFP process.
To obtain quotes and place order please contact Territory Sales Manager Stacen Gross at sgross@geocomm.com or (320) 281-2186 and reference contract number DIR-CPO-4499. Stacen will gather information in regards to what you are looking for and then present you with a proposal and/or quote for your review.
Warranty Policy: Products are offered under an annually renewable software support and maintenance agreement. Review GeoComm’s complete Terms and Conditions.
Learn more about the Texas DIR program.

SERVICE NAME | SERVICE DESCRIPTION (provide detailed service features) | Part/Service Number | Discount % off MSRP/List (2 decimals) |
EXISTING EGDMS II CUSTOMERS ONLY; Non-Recurring Fee: Managed Services Initial 9-1-1 GIS Data Load (per person fixed unit rate; total price calculated using Customer’s population) | Notes: The MRF for Managed Services will start 7/17/2018 and continue for the duration of the contract. The Initial 9-1-1 GIS Data Load Non-Recurring Fee only applies for new Customers onboarding to EGDMS III. Existing EGDMS II Customers will be loaded for no additional charge. The MRF includes two trips for on-site working sessions at date, time, and location to be determined in agreement between GeoComm and CSEC. GeoComm will use the Commission-approved wireless/prepaid wireless fee distribution population, which is based on the Texas State Demographer’s population estimates, as the prevailing population source for Customers within the State of Texas. GeoComm will use the United States Census Bureau as the prevailing population source for Customers outside of the State of Texas. As found at the following link: https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/index.xhtml EGDMS III Total Population Base Evaluation: • The total aggregate population of participating EGDMS III Customers will be evaluated annually by October 31st. Updated population and, if applicable, updated pricing based on population tier shifts would take effect for services beginning January 1 of the following year. Population Adjustments (Changes in Tiers)—Determined Once at the End of Each Calendar Year Quarter : • If the addition of a Customer(s) to the EGDMS III, or discontinuation of an existing Customer(s), for receipt of Managed Services pushes the total population of all participating Customers into a higher population tier for price per person per month (or a lower tier as a result of a Customer(s) discontinuing receiving Managed Services, new billing rates applicable to the appropriate tier will go into effect on the first day of the second month following the end of the prior calendar year quarter. | 2505 | 0.00% |
NEW CUSTOMERS ONLY; Non-Recurring Fee: EGDMS III Managed Services Initial 9-1-1 GIS Data Load (per person fixed unit rate; total price calculated using Customer’s population) |
Notes: The MRF for Managed Services will start 7/17/2018 and continue for the duration of the contract. | 2506 | 0.00% |
EGDMS III Tier One (powered by GeoComm GIS Data Hub) – Monthly Recurring Fee: Managed Services (per person fixed unit rate; total price calculated using Customer’s population) Total aggregated population between 2,750,000 and 3,306,163 |
Notes: The MRF for Managed Services will start 7/17/2018 and continue for the duration of the contract. | 2507 | 1.00% |
EGDMS III Tier Two (powered by GeoComm GIS Data Hub) – Monthly Recurring Fee: Managed Services (per person fixed unit rate; total price calculated using Customer’s population) Supporting a minimum total population of 3,306,163 to 8,000,000 |
Notes: The MRF for Managed Services will start 7/17/2018 and continue for the duration of the contract. | 2508 | 1.00% |
EGDMS III Tier Three (powered by GeoComm GIS Data Hub) – Monthly Recurring Fee: Managed Services (per person fixed unit rate; total price calculated using Customer’s population) Total aggregated population between 8,000,001 and 13,000,000 |
Notes: The MRF for Managed Services will start 7/17/2018 and continue for the duration of the contract. | 2509 | 1.00% |
EGDMS III Tier Four (powered by GeoComm GIS Data Hub) – Monthly Recurring Fee: Managed Services (per person fixed unit rate; total price calculated using Customer’s population) Total aggregated population of 13,000,000 + |
Notes: The MRF for Managed Services will start 7/17/2018 and continue for the duration of the contract. | 2510 | 1.00% |
EGDMS III 9-1-1 Data Extracts (powered by GeoComm GIS Data Hub) One-Time Configuration |
Complete or partial data extracts and including a five (5) mile buffer of neighboring Customer’s service area, as applicable. Required anytime a new output or change to the output schema is required (per person fixed unit rate; total price calculated using customer’ s population). Notes: These fees apply for every extract required by a Customer. A Customer may request 9-1-1 GIS data extracts for all or any portion of its 9-1-1 service area. A Customer may request 9-1-1 GIS Data Extracts for all or any portion of a neighboring Customer’s 9-1-1 service area (in addition to the five mile buffer) with the written authorization of the neighboring Customer—which must be provided with the requesting Customer’s Purchase Order. | 2511 | 1.00% |
EGDMS III 9-1-1 Data Extracts (powered by GeoComm GIS Data Hub) | Notes: These fees apply for every extract required by a Customer. A Customer may request 9-1-1 GIS data extracts for all or any portion of its 9-1-1 service area. A Customer may request 9-1-1 GIS Data Extracts for all or any portion of a neighboring Customer’s 9-1-1 service area (in addition to the five mile buffer) with the written authorization of the neighboring Customer—which must be provided with the requesting Customer’s Purchase Order. Customers must request 9-1-1 GIS data extracts as part of the PO process. | 2512 | 1.00% |
EGDMS III 9-1-1 Data Extracts (powered by GeoComm GIS Data Hub) | Notes: These fees apply for every extract required by a Customer. A Customer may request 9-1-1 GIS data extracts for all or any portion of its 9-1-1 service area. A Customer may request 9-1-1 GIS Data Extracts for all or any portion of a neighboring Customer’s 9-1-1 service area (in addition to the five mile buffer) with the written authorization of the neighboring Customer—which must be provided with the requesting Customer’s Purchase Order. Customers must request 9-1-1 GIS data extracts as part of the PO process. | 2513 | 1.00% |
EGDMS III 9-1-1 Data Extracts (powered by GeoComm GIS Data Hub) | Notes: These fees apply for every extract required by a Customer. A Customer may request 9-1-1 GIS data extracts for all or any portion of its 9-1-1 service area. A Customer may request 9-1-1 GIS Data Extracts for all or any portion of a neighboring Customer’s 9-1-1 service area (in addition to the five mile buffer) with the written authorization of the neighboring Customer—which must be provided with the requesting Customer’s Purchase Order. Customers must request 9-1-1 GIS data extracts as part of the PO process. | 2514 | 1.00% |
EGDMS III 9-1-1 Data Extracts (powered by GeoComm GIS Data Hub) | Notes: These fees apply for every extract required by a Customer. A Customer may request 9-1-1 GIS data extracts for all or any portion of its 9-1-1 service area. A Customer may request 9-1-1 GIS Data Extracts for all or any portion of a neighboring Customer’s 9-1-1 service area (in addition to the five mile buffer) with the written authorization of the neighboring Customer—which must be provided with the requesting Customer’s Purchase Order. Customers must request 9-1-1 GIS data extracts as part of the PO process. | 2515 | 1.00% |
EGDMS III 9-1-1 Data Extracts (powered by GeoComm GIS Data Hub) | Notes: These fees apply for every extract required by a Customer. A Customer may request 9-1-1 GIS data extracts for all or any portion of its 9-1-1 service area. A Customer may request 9-1-1 GIS Data Extracts for all or any portion of a neighboring Customer’s 9-1-1 service area (in addition to the five mile buffer) with the written authorization of the neighboring Customer—which must be provided with the requesting Customer’s Purchase Order. Customers must request 9-1-1 GIS data extracts as part of the PO process. | 2516 | 1.00% |
EGDMS III 9-1-1 Data Extracts (powered by GeoComm GIS Data Hub) | Notes: These fees apply for every extract required by a Customer. A Customer may request 9-1-1 GIS data extracts for all or any portion of its 9-1-1 service area. A Customer may request 9-1-1 GIS Data Extracts for all or any portion of a neighboring Customer’s 9-1-1 service area with the written authorization of the neighboring Customer—which must be provided with the requesting Customer’s Purchase Order. Customers must request 9-1-1 GIS data extracts as part of the PO process. | 2517 | 1.00% |
EGDMS III 9-1-1 Data Extracts (powered by GeoComm GIS Data Hub) | Notes: These fees apply for every extract required by a Customer. A Customer may request 9-1-1 GIS data extracts for all or any portion of its 9-1-1 service area. A Customer may request 9-1-1 GIS Data Extracts for all or any portion of a neighboring Customer’s 9-1-1 service area with the written authorization of the neighboring Customer—which must be provided with the requesting Customer’s Purchase Order. Customers must request 9-1-1 GIS data extracts as part of the PO process. | 2518 | 1.00% |
EGDMS III 9-1-1 Data Extracts (powered by GeoComm GIS Data Hub) | Notes: These fees apply for every extract required by a Customer. A Customer may request 9-1-1 GIS data extracts for all or any portion of its 9-1-1 service area. A Customer may request 9-1-1 GIS Data Extracts for all or any portion of a neighboring Customer’s 9-1-1 service area with the written authorization of the neighboring Customer—which must be provided with the requesting Customer’s Purchase Order. Customers must request 9-1-1 GIS data extracts as part of the PO process. | 2519 | 1.00% |
EGDMS III 9-1-1 Data Extracts (powered by GeoComm GIS Data Hub) | Notes: These fees apply for every extract required by a Customer. A Customer may request 9-1-1 GIS data extracts for all or any portion of its 9-1-1 service area. A Customer may request 9-1-1 GIS Data Extracts for all or any portion of a neighboring Customer’s 9-1-1 service area with the written authorization of the neighboring Customer—which must be provided with the requesting Customer’s Purchase Order. Customers must request 9-1-1 GIS data extracts as part of the PO process. | 2520 | 1.00% |
EGDMS III 9-1-1 Data Extracts (powered by GeoComm GIS Data Hub) | Notes: These fees apply for every extract required by a Customer. A Customer may request 9-1-1 GIS data extracts for all or any portion of its 9-1-1 service area. A Customer may request 9-1-1 GIS Data Extracts for all or any portion of a neighboring Customer’s 9-1-1 service area with the written authorization of the neighboring Customer—which must be provided with the requesting Customer’s Purchase Order. Customers must request 9-1-1 GIS data extracts as part of the PO process. | 2521 | 1.00% |
EGDMS III 9-1-1 Data Extracts (powered by GeoComm GIS Data Hub) | Notes: These fees apply for every extract required by a Customer. A Customer may request 9-1-1 GIS data extracts for all or any portion of its 9-1-1 service area. A Customer may request 9-1-1 GIS Data Extracts for all or any portion of a neighboring Customer’s 9-1-1 service area with the written authorization of the neighboring Customer—which must be provided with the requesting Customer’s Purchase Order. Customers must request 9-1-1 GIS data extracts as part of the PO process. | 2522 | 1.00% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Implementation Specialist (2020 hourly rate) | 2224 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Training Specialist (2020 hourly rate) | 2491 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| GIS Specialist I (2020 hourly rate) | 2492 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| GIS Specialist II (2020 hourly rate) | 2493 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| GIS Specialist III (2020 hourly rate) | 2494 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Software Developer (2020 hourly rate) | 2226 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| GIS Manager (2020 hourly rate) | 2222 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Implementation Manager (2020 hourly rate) | 2495 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Technical Support Manager (2020 hourly rate) | 2496 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Project Manager (2020 hourly rate) | 2219 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Senior Project Manager (2020 hourly rate) | 2497 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Subject Matter Expert (2020 hourly rate) | 2228 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| GIS Analyst (2020 hourly rate) | 2490 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Implementation Specialist (2021 hourly rate) | 2224 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Training Specialist (2021 hourly rate) | 2491 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| GIS Specialist I (2021 hourly rate) | 2492 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| GIS Specialist II (2021 hourly rate) | 2493 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| GIS Specialist III (2021 hourly rate) | 2494 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Software Developer (2021 hourly rate) | 2226 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| GIS Manager (2021 hourly rate) | 2222 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Implementation Manager (2021 hourly rate) | 2495 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Technical Support Manager (2021 hourly rate) | 2496 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Project Manager (2021 hourly rate) | 2219 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Senior Project Manager (2021 hourly rate) | 2497 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Subject Matter Expert (2021 hourly rate) | 2228 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| GIS Analyst (2021 hourly rate) | 2490 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Implementation Specialist (2022 hourly rate) | 2224 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Training Specialist (2022 hourly rate) | 2491 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| GIS Specialist I (2022 hourly rate) | 2492 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| GIS Specialist II (2022 hourly rate) | 2493 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| GIS Specialist III (2022 hourly rate) | 2494 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Software Developer (2022 hourly rate) | 2226 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| GIS Manager (2022 hourly rate) | 2222 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Implementation Manager (2022 hourly rate) | 2495 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Technical Support Manager (2022 hourly rate) | 2496 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Project Manager (2022 hourly rate) | 2219 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Senior Project Manager (2022 hourly rate) | 2497 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Subject Matter Expert (2022 hourly rate) | 2228 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| GIS Analyst (2022 hourly rate) | 2490 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Implementation Specialist (2023 hourly rate) | 2224 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Training Specialist (2023 hourly rate) | 2491 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| GIS Specialist I (2023 hourly rate) | 2492 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| GIS Specialist II (2023 hourly rate) | 2493 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| GIS Specialist III (2023 hourly rate) | 2494 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Software Developer (2023 hourly rate) | 2226 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| GIS Manager (2023 hourly rate) | 2222 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Implementation Manager (2023 hourly rate) | 2495 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Technical Support Manager (2023 hourly rate) | 2496 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Project Manager (2023 hourly rate) | 2219 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Senior Project Manager (2023 hourly rate) | 2497 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Subject Matter Expert (2023 hourly rate) | 2228 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Implementation Specialist (2024 hourly rate) | 2224 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Training Specialist (2024 hourly rate) | 2491 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| GIS Specialist I (2024 hourly rate) | 2492 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| GIS Specialist II (2024 hourly rate) | 2493 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| GIS Specialist III (2024 hourly rate) | 2494 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Software Developer (2024 hourly rate) | 2226 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| GIS Manager (2024 hourly rate) | 2222 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Implementation Manager (2024 hourly rate) | 2495 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Technical Support Manager (2024 hourly rate) | 2496 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Project Manager (2024 hourly rate) | 2219 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Senior Project Manager (2024 hourly rate) | 2497 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Subject Matter Expert (2024 hourly rate) | 2228 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| GIS Analyst (2024 hourly rate) | 2490 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Implementation Specialist (2025 hourly rate) | 2224 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Training Specialist (2025 hourly rate) | 2491 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| GIS Specialist I (2025 hourly rate) | 2492 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| GIS Specialist II (2025 hourly rate) | 2493 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| GIS Specialist III (2025 hourly rate) | 2494 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Software Developer (2025 hourly rate) | 2226 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| GIS Manager (2025 hourly rate) | 2222 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Implementation Manager (2025 hourly rate) | 2495 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Technical Support Manager (2025 hourly rate) | 2496 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Project Manager (2025 hourly rate) | 2219 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Senior Project Manager (2025 hourly rate) | 2497 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| Subject Matter Expert (2025 hourly rate) | 2228 | 2.25% |
GIS Hourly Rate Services for Customer Defined Scope of Work
| GIS Analyst (2025 hourly rate) | 2490 | 2.25% |