2019 Texas DIR Contract and Pricing
GeoComm, a leading provider of geographic information and communication systems, has been awarded a Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) contract DIR-TSO-3441 for GeoComm’s public safety software.
GeoComm’s software products provides an industry leading end-to-end 9-1-1 enterprise GIS software solution that meets all public safety and law enforcement GIS needs. Products and services covered in this contract include: NG9-1-1 software and services, enterprise GIS data management software and services, and public safety mapping applications.
The Texas DIR contract simplifies the process for state and local government agencies in the State of Texas and elsewhere to purchase GeoComm’s public safety software offerings. This award is significant because it allows agencies to directly acquire products and services through the DIR contract, eliminating the need for a costly RFP process.
To obtain quotes and place order please contact Territory Sales Manager Ron Helterbrand at rhelterbrand@geocomm.com or (320) 281-2193 and reference contract number DIR-TSO-3441. Ron will gather information in regards to what you are looking for and then present you with a proposal and/or quote for your review.
Warranty Policy: Products are offered under an annually renewable software support and maintenance agreement. Review GeoComm’s complete Terms and Conditions.
Learn more about the Texas DIR program.