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GIS Data Assessment – Laying a Foundation for Success

Data about our location is everywhere.  We live in a world of data When answering a 9-1-1 call, access to accurate and uptodate GIS data is critical because seconds count.      

How accurate is the public safety GIS data in your communityDoes your call taker, dispatcher, and first responder have the necessary data during those critical seconds?  These are important questions GIS and 9-1-1 teams need to answer.  As public safety is transitioning to Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1)quality Public Safety Grade GIS data is essential to ensure 9-1-1 calls route to the correct Emergency Communications Center (ECC) and responders arrive at the correct location.  To determine if your GIS data is up to this task, a GIS data assessment is the common approach to providing the answers that you need to enhance your current 9-1-1 system and prepare for NG9-1-1.    

Where to Start

A GIS data assessment is the first step to determine if your data meets your community’s needs.  It involves more than just analyzing GISMaster Street Address Guide (MSAG), or Automatic Location Identification (ALI) databases.  Education and development of local 9-1-1 data processes and maintenance workflows also play an integral role in the assessment process.  Collaboration between your GIS and 9-1-1 professionals is more critical than ever before, as these teams work together to meet the GIS data quality needs of their 9-1-1 systems.  Many agencies find advantages to having an outside assessment completed to streamline this process while being sensitive to interdepartmental goals.  Common requirements of a GIS data assessment include: 

August 26, 2022

GIS Resources

Digital Mapping: Transforming the Way We Navigate and Analyze Geographic Data

Introduction Digital mapping has revolutionized the way we visualize, analyze, and interact with geographic data. Unlike traditional paper maps, digital maps are dynamic, interactive, and easily updated, enabling users to integrate multiple data layers for better decision-making. A subset of this mapping, GIS (Geographic Information System) mapping, uses specialized software to analyze and interpret spatial...

Carbon County 9-1-1 Indoor Maps Project

The Carbon County Pennsylvania Communications Center recently partnered with GeoComm to create GIS-based indoor maps for buildings throughout their county. These indoor maps would be valuable and vital pieces of information for their dispatchers and first responders to aid in improving situational awareness and decreasing response times. Carbon County Communications Center dispatchers access their indoor maps in RapidSOS Portal, provided by GeoComm partner RapidSOS.

Life-Saving Z-Axis Data in the Emergency Communication Center

When a 9-1-1 call is placed, the caller’s location is a primary piece of information that dispatchers need to deploy emergency response personnel. Where is the caller located? What do their surroundings look like? Could something about that location be an obstacle or even hazardous to first responders?