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Webinar Recap: Embarking on your NG9-1-1 GIS Migration

On Friday, March 5, 2021, GeoComm hosted a webinar titled, “Embarking on your NG9-1-1 GIS Migration.”   

GeoComm’s Jessica Frye, ENP, GIS Project manager and Kathy Liljequist, GIS Consultant offered attendees the opportunity to learn more about critical GIS data maintenance workflow decisions that 9-1-1 and GIS departments face as they embark on the NG9-1-1 GIS migration.  Utilizing their local, regional, and state NG-1-1 GIS project experience and involvement in industry standards development, they sat down to discuss: 

  • Various factors that impact 9-1-1 and GIS teams during the NG9-1-1 transition – one example -how street names are handled  
  • Important changes that GIS data undergoes as entities work to meet GIS data requirements for the development of a GIS-based MSAG 
  • Important stages agencies can expect while preparing GIS data for NG9-1-1 such as GIS data assessment and improvement efforts 

“While the technology to implement these new IP-based 9-1-1 systems is available now, the transition to NG9-1-1 will involve much more than just new computer hardware and software.”

Interested in learning more about NG9-1-1 GIS impacts and migration decisions?  Contact us today to request a recording of the webinar and learn more about some recommendations to get started.  

March 17, 2021

GIS Resources

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What is locally authoritative GIS data and why is it valuable in public safety emergency response? This is a question many people have and one Deb Rozeboom, GeoComm’s Product Manager for GIS Services, had the opportunity to present on this fall at the RapidSOS Ready22 Conference. Deb also overviewed GeoComm’s partnership with RapidSOS to support the locally authoritative GIS data being utilized by RapidSOS Premium customers.