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GeoComm By The Numbers

We know that in an emergency every second counts and have spent the last 25 years helping our customers save lives and protect property by providing essential, innovative, location-based solutions to public safety professionals.

November 09, 2020

GIS Resources

Life-Saving Z-Axis Data in the Emergency Communication Center

When a 9-1-1 call is placed, the caller’s location is a primary piece of information that dispatchers need to deploy emergency response personnel. Where is the caller located? What do their surroundings look like? Could something about that location be an obstacle or even hazardous to first responders?

Z-Axis Location Information – The Next Frontier of Public Safety Location Intelligence®

What is z-axis and how does it improve in public safety emergency response? Many Emergency Communications Centers (ECCs) have started to notice that raw z-axis information is now available to them, but what should be done with that information and how can it be made actionable?

The Value of Locally Authoritative GIS Data in RapidSOS Premium

What is locally authoritative GIS data and why is it valuable in public safety emergency response? This is a question many people have and one Deb Rozeboom, GeoComm’s Product Manager for GIS Services, had the opportunity to present on this fall at the RapidSOS Ready22 Conference. Deb also overviewed GeoComm’s partnership with RapidSOS to support the locally authoritative GIS data being utilized by RapidSOS Premium customers.