Purchasing Contracts and Cooperatives
Purchasing cooperatives and contracts allow prospective customers to procure products and services using pre-negotiated pricing and terms. This empowers organizations to purchase our solutions without the need for bid solicitations or a costly request for proposal (RFP) process.
To get started, check with your finance or procurement team to see which contracts are available for your organization.
A complete list of the purchasing contracts we are listed on is included below.
Arizona Procurement Portal (APP)
AWS Marketplace OMNIA Partners
California Multiple Award Schedule (CMAS)
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania – Invitation to Qualify (PA ITQ)
General Services Administration (GSA)
Houston-Galveston Area Council (HGACBuy)
The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS)
Maryland Department of Information Technology (DOIT)
Michigan Department of Technology, Management & Budget (DTMB)
NPPGov & League of Oregon Cities (LOC)
Oklahoma Office of Management and Enterprise Services (OMES)
Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR)
Contact us by submitting the completed form or emailing us at geocomm@geo-comm.com to learn more about using a procurement tool for your product and services quote.