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Innovation Spotlight ~ Smarter Security Provided Through Indoor Maps and Sensor Feeds

In 2017, GeoComm worked with U.S. Bank Stadium and the Minneapolis Police Department to deploy and innovative new software to be used in the ESPN XGames that provided real-time information and sensor feeds into a Common Operating Picture (COP) built around 3D and indoor maps.  The system was again used in 2017 during the Twin Cities Medtronic Marathon.  In addition, the system was used for all pre-, regular-, and post-season NFL games in U.S. Bank Stadium, where it was utilized in the Stadium Operations Center (SOC) and Joint Operations Center (JOC) helping streamline incident response coordination within the Minneapolis Police Department’s Multi Agency Command Center (MACC) by connecting people and devices into a system for real-time analysis, visualization, and communication. 

Then in January 2018 an estimated one million people visited Minnesota for Super Bowl LII and the ten days of festivities leading up to it.  The Minneapolis Police Department led the way in organizing the massive security effort, and in total over 80 different public safety agencies and hundreds of law enforcement officers from various jurisdictions participated. To assist their security efforts, the Minneapolis Police Department utilized GeoComm’s innovative system to achieve a new level of situational awareness, making emergency response more targeted and efficient. 

This case study video highlights how they utilized the software to improve their situational awareness during emergency response. 

April 28, 2018

GIS Resources

Carbon County 9-1-1 Indoor Maps Project

The Carbon County Pennsylvania Communications Center recently partnered with GeoComm to create GIS-based indoor maps for buildings throughout their county. These indoor maps would be valuable and vital pieces of information for their dispatchers and first responders to aid in improving situational awareness and decreasing response times. Carbon County Communications Center dispatchers access their indoor maps in RapidSOS Portal, provided by GeoComm partner RapidSOS.

Life-Saving Z-Axis Data in the Emergency Communication Center

When a 9-1-1 call is placed, the caller’s location is a primary piece of information that dispatchers need to deploy emergency response personnel. Where is the caller located? What do their surroundings look like? Could something about that location be an obstacle or even hazardous to first responders?

Z-Axis Location Information – The Next Frontier of Public Safety Location Intelligence®

What is z-axis and how does it improve in public safety emergency response? Many Emergency Communications Centers (ECCs) have started to notice that raw z-axis information is now available to them, but what should be done with that information and how can it be made actionable?